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What is a virtual assistant? Flamingo Digital blog

Updated: Oct 9, 2023

The way people work has been fundamentally changing for quite some time, COVID-19 has only further accelerated that change and its one that will most likely become permanent. Once staff have enjoyed the flexibility of working from home alongside the cost savings of commuting to the office there is little incentive to return to "normal".

On the flip side when employes understand they have been able to run their businesses with little to no staff on-site for over a year, they will likely start calculating the huge savings that could be made by closing large bricks and mortar office buildings. Under these circumstances, both sides of the coin align with continued remote working practices and ever-shrinking in-house staff members.

During the pandemic, Flamingo Digital has taken the time to review it's product propositions to ensure they meet our customer's needs. Following on from the points raised above our clients have told us they need flexible on-demand solutions to their staffing needs, but more than flexibility they need adaptability. Business models have had to be tweaked and some fundamentally changed over the past year, so proactive solutions are required.

Our UK based virtual assistant service provides relief for many organisations of varying sizes, it enables us to work alongside our clients as if a member of their team. Our virtual assistants can be put to work on a project to remove time burdens from our client's businesses.

Payroll, newsletters, invoices, managing job ads and more are all just a few clicks away, all without the usual employment issues of contracts, holiday pay, pensions and payroll.

Virtual assistant
Virtual assistant

We have also seen an increase in demand, not just from businesses but individuals who are struggling to juggle both home and work commitments in the same building, managing a full-time job, running a home and looking after children can rapidly become a real test of time management. By taking the proactive step to hire a virtual personal assistant you take back control of the situation, ensuring you have the time required to focus on the tasks that need prioritising. Our flexible rolling monthly assistant plans start from a minimum of just five hours, plans can be upscaled whenever you need extra help to cope with additional workloads and dropped back down when less support is required. Our assistants can deal with a huge range of home support tasks such as dealing with utility suppliers, sorting out the tv licence, keeping track of your cars MOT and insurance, making travel and hotel arrangements (when not in a COVID environment) and managing your diary and phone calls. Many of our clients find it a huge relief to have so many admin burdens removed and they are often shocked at how much time all these sorts of tasks take-up, imagine never having to sit on hold to a utility company again!

Ultimately as we continue to move towards permanent, flexible, remote working we should carefully consider the options available, as it will likely set the paradigm for the next decade or so at the very least, so we must get it right as it's something that will affect all of us across the employment spectrum and economy.


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